About Us

Letterbox is a community-driven commercial farm producing high-quality, ethically-raised poultry, pork, eggs, herbs, and value-added products. We serve a broad spectrum of stakeholders through our full-diet CSA, farmers markets, wholesale accounts and food sovereignty programs. We take pride in prioritizing the well-being of our animals, the health of our land, and the delight of our customers. We also love to bring folks together by hosting free, just-for-fun events.

Our Team


nichki carangelo

manages livestock, retail marketing, events and admin for Letterbox Farm. She is a second generation small business owner and the author of the book Raising Pastured Rabbits for Meat, an animal enterprise guide for old and new farmers alike. When she's not farming, you'll find her swimming, playing cards or wrangling Barn Baby 1 or 2.

laszlo lazar

grew up farming, is a VoAg grad and former FFA president, who spent 6 years as a park ranger for the Army Corps of Engineers. Laz is Letterbox Farm's equipment manager and is also an integral member of our land management team. Like oil in a car, he keeps the whole farm running smoothly. In his free time, he's probably fishing or teaching a Barn Baby how to play the drums.

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is the Garden Manager at Letterbox Farm and has been a positively integral member of the team since 2017. She likes pruning tomatoes and greenhouse work best and in her free time she makes jewelry and cooks a mean stir fry. Thanks to her Louisiana roots, Maggie is also the most heat tolerant of all the Letterbox Farmers.


Bio coming soon!


mother of 3 amazing and amusing humans, started volunteering at Letterbox in 2017. She has enjoyed every moment of becoming a master chicken catcher, and still holds the title of slowest harvester (her words, not ours - we think she’s super fast!), which she intends to defend again this year. Her hobbies include talking endlessly and teaching farmers back bend kickovers. She anticipates many more years at Letterbox and will be working soon on a farm compatible walker so she can remain underfoot forever.


Bio coming soon!



founding farmer, served as harvest manager and administrative lead for Letterbox from 2013-2021. While she has officially retired from the business, her countless contributions to this farm remain. Today, she is sharing her tremendous talents with other lucky farm and food organizations, such as Rolling Grocer 19 and her very own Hudson Valley Bulk Order program.


Photo and bio coming soon!


less often referred to by his actual name, Béla, is our resident goofball and pig feeder extraordinaire. He enjoys chasing chickens and picking “snacks.”


aka Gioia Sandra, is the newest addition to Team Letterbox. Her primary job on the farm is looking cute and his secondary role is taking midday naps after a long morning of defending herself from her brother.