EAT LIKE A FARMER THIS FALL! Veggies, greens, eggs, meats, mushrooms & herbs and more for just $66 per week.
6 weeks of beautiful farm foods, October - December. Your weekly box will typically include:
VEGETABLES: 4-6 items provided per share
GREENS: 2-3 items per share
CHICKEN, PORK, BEEF, MUSHROOMS & STEELHEAD TROUT: Available on the flex credit system
EGGS: One dozen provided per week
SPECIAL ITEMS: such as our farm made chicken pot pies, bone broths, pates and more, available on the flex credit system
DATES: october - december, exact dates tbd
PICKUP: Letterbox Farm, 4161 US 9, Hudson
Staffed Thursdays, 4-7pm
Self-serve, Fridays & Saturdays, 7am-7pm and Sundays, 7am-5pm